The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) together with statistical units established in various government bureaux and departments forms the Government Statistical Service (GSS), representing a network for the provision of government statistical services.
Broadly speaking, most general purpose statistics come under the responsibility of C&SD. The statistical units in various government bureaux and departments are responsible for statistics for dedicated use in their respective work and provide necessary support in the application of statistics.
The Commissioner for Census and Statistics is the government's principal adviser on all statistical matters and the head of GSS. On the one hand, he fulfills his responsibilities by being the head of C&SD and, on the other hand, co-ordinates the work of outposted statistical units and monitors their technical standards. He is assisted by a Deputy Commissioner and five Assistant Commissioners in discharging his duties.
Work of the Census and Statistics Department
The work of C&SD can be classified into three categories:
Conducting statistical surveys and operating statistical systems for the production of social and economic statistics, including data series on such areas as population, external trade, commerce and industry, labour, prices, national income and Balance of Payments;
Performing statistical analysis and disseminating statistical data and analytical results; and
Providing consultation and support services on statistical matters to various government bureaux and departments.
Organisation and Functions
C&SD is organised into five divisions. The functions of the five divisions, each headed by an Assistant Commissioner, are :
Economic Statistics Division (1) : This Division deals with external merchandise trade statistics, price statistics and balance of payments statistics, and provides support in the application of data science for the department;
Economic Statistics Division (2) : This Division deals with sectoral economic statistics, statistics on innovation and technology, and statistics on companies in Hong Kong with parent companies located outside Hong Kong. It also promotes statistical literacy to the general public and organises human resources development activities for statistical grade staff;
Economic Statistics Division (3) : This Division deals with national income statistics, provides support in the application of information technology and handles data dissemination matters for the department;
Social Statistics Division : This Division deals with demographic and social statistics, provides statistical support to analyse household income distribution and poverty situation, and plans and executes population censuses and social surveys; and
Labour Statistics Division : This Division deals with labour statistics and undertakes surveys of employment, labour force, payroll, wages and hours of work.
In addition, there are three branches directly supervised by the Deputy Commissioner, namely Technical Secretariat, Development Branch and Administration Branch.
Census and Statistics Department Organisation Chart
Commissioner Mr Leo YU Chun-keung
Deputy Commissioner Mr CHAU Kam-tim
Assistant Commissioner Ms Wanda YUE Sze-fan
Labour Statistics Division
Labour Statistics Branch (1)
Labour Statistics Branch (2)
Labour Statistics Branch (3)
Labour Statistics Branch (4)
Assistant Commissioner Ms Sharon NG Pun-wai
Social Statistics Division
Social Statistics Branch (1)
Social Statistics Branch (2)
Social Data Development Branch
Census and Demographic Statistics Branch
Census Planning Branch (1)
Census Planning Branch (2)
Census System Services Branch
Assistant Commissioner Ms Olivia OR Oi-yan
Economic Statistics Division (1)
Trade Statistics Branch (1)
Trade Statistics Branch (2)
Price Statistics Branch
Balance of Payments Branch (1)
Balance of Payments Branch (2)
Data Science Branch
Assistant Commissioner Ms Rebecca SIU Wai-fun
Economic Statistics Division (2)
Sectoral Economic Statistics Branch (1)
Sectoral Economic Statistics Branch (2)
Sectoral Economic Statistics Branch (3)
Sectoral Economic Statistics Branch (4)
Economic Surveys Branch
General Statistics Branch
Assistant Commissioner Ms Edith CHAN Lai-shan
Economic Statistics Division (3)
National Income Branch (1)
National Income Branch (2)
Information Technology Services and Infrastructure Branch
Statistical Processing Systems Branch
Statistical Information Dissemination Branch
Technical Secretariat
Development Branch
Administration Branch
Except for the Administration Branch and Census System Services Branch, each Branch is headed by a Senior Statistician, who is assisted by Statisticians, other statistical staff and general grades staff in discharging duties.
The Administration Branch is headed by a Chief Executive Officer, who is assisted by general grades staff in discharging duties.
The Census System Services Branch is headed by a Senior Systems Manager, who is assisted by Analyst/Programmer grade staff in discharging duties.
Statistical Units in Other Government Bureaux and Departments
Apart from C&SD, statistical staff are posted to 33 government bureaux/departments. These statistical units deal with different subject matter areas, including education, housing, health, social welfare, law and order, transport and strategic planning. While staff in outposted statistical units are responsible to the bureaux/departments to which they are posted in respect of the day-to-day work, professional advice and assistance are provided to them by C&SD headquarters when it is deemed necessary. Moreover, the outposted staff come under C&SD in such matters as recruitment, training, posting and promotion. Through this arrangement, the quality standard of statistical work across the government is maintained.
Census and Statistics Department Logo
A departmental logo was launched in May 1996 to serve as a corporate symbol of C&SD. The departmental logo comprises three elements: line graph, square and circles. The logo reflects the nature of work of the department and the role it plays in the government and society - producer of statistics and adviser on statistical matters. This is symbolised by a line graph, which is a modern, commonly used way to present statistics. This graph also conveys the scientific and professional image of the department. Besides, the curve in the line graph progresses upwards, indicating the department's progressive spirit.
The logo symbolises the way in which the department works. It takes the shape of a square inside two circles. The square in the middle indicates impartiality, integrity and objectivity while the embracing circles stand for friendliness and communicative ability. This design summarises well the style of the department in being "外圓內方", as the Chinese saying goes (i.e. being round outside and square inside). On the one hand, the department co-operates smoothly with outside parties. On the other hand, it manages its affairs justly and properly, emphasises professionalism and works on the basis of scientific theories and principles.
There are black-and-white and coloured versions of the logo. For the coloured version, red colour is used, symbolising the department's vitality and reflecting the enthusiasm of its staff in serving the public by providing the required statistical services within the shortest time.